Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Dreaming of Breastfeeding"

I wanted to share a funny story of my first week of breastfeeding my first child. I hope you enjoy.

When we brought Derrick home from the hospital he slept in his pack in play in our bedroom and at night I nursed him in bed. The first few nights went smoothly. We both were getting the hang of nursing and I was ecstatic. I did the classic new mom “check to see if baby is ok” whenever I heard him make a peep or grunt throughout the night.

One night I caught myself dreaming of feeding Derrick. In reality I was ‘nursing’ my pillow, and leaking all over. I partially woke up from my dream and had to go to the bathroom. So I woke up my husband and passed him my new fluffy “baby”. My husband in his semi-awake stupor held my ‘baby’ nice and tight while I got out of bed. When I came back from the bathroom I was more conscious and I asked my husband to hand the baby back so I could finish nursing and go back to sleep. My husband handed me my fluffy ‘baby’ and I began to panic. I woke him up completely and both of us started searching the bed to figure out what happen to Derrick! We dove into the covers feeling all around and checked the floor on both of our bedsides. Panic had fully set in for both us. Right before we were about to flip on all the lights, Derrick made a perfect little baby peep from the confines of his pack and play.

Needless to say I was happy that all of this was just a dream.

Leslie, 28; Derrick 7 weeks

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